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STEM+ Curriculum

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STEM+ Curriculum


A STEM curriculum is comprised of:


Science activities that include exploring water
and sand, comparing and contrasting natural
materials like rocks and soil, rolling balls across
the room, and looking through a magnifying
glass to count how many legs are on the bug.

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Technology activities that include computers, but also identifying simple machines like gears, wheels and pulleys.

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Engineering activities that include children
planning and designing structures every day
with blocks, magnets and other building
materials such as Legos.

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Math activities that include counting and
matching shapes and making patterns.

STEM+ Program

The process of STEM is easiest when science learning is encouraged through their natural curiosity.

This is achieved as our educators start noticing what our kids are doing while they play with water, shadow, or sand and begin asking open-ended questions:

Tell me what you are working on now?”
What do you notice about how it’s moving?”
What else have you seen other kids try?” 

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Day in the Life of a Preschool Student


STEM Lesson Plan


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Core Lesson



Core Lesson

Core Lesson



Recreational Play

Nap Time

Afternoon Snack


7:50-8:30 AM

8:30-9:00 AM

9:00-9:30 AM

9:30-10:00 AM

10:00-10:30 AM

10:30-11:00 AM

11:00-11:30 AM

11:30-12:00 PM

12:00-12:30 PM

12:30-2:00 PM

2:00-2:30 PM

2:30-3:00 PM

Indoor Recreational Play

Exploration & Observation

Rotation: Science, Technology, Engineering, Math

Nutrition and Peer to Peer Interaction


Gross Motor Skills Development

Armenian (Rotation: Language, Art, Culture, Song & Dance)

Nutrition and Peer to Peer Interaction


Quiet Activity (Rotation: Puzzles & Books)

Nutrition and Peer to Peer Interaction

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A Day in the life
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Our Mission, Vision, & Philosophy



We, at Armenian Sisters' Academy Elementary Preparatory School, are dedicated to the development of the total child; spiritually, physically, intellectually, emotionally, and socially.



Guided by our Christian principles, we expand the student’s understanding of ethnicity and its place in a greater cultural context, while fostering their love of learning and commitment to faith.



Armenian Sisters' Academy Preschool is a STEM school that provides its students a morality-based, high-quality STEM education. As a Catholic private school, we believe that every child is unique and valuable because each child comes from God and has an eternal destiny. To implement our philosophy, we have smaller classroom sizes where each child gets an average of 2x the one-on-one attention from a teacher than most other 25-30+ student classrooms.  The increase in one-on-one attention is the cornerstone of how we can institute a STEM curriculum that is both EFFECTIVE AND EMPOWERING for the student. 

Our mission
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